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Simrishamn Manufacturing hosted a Health Week for Plasman team members

Last week, Plasman Simrishamn Manufacturing coordinated and participated in a Health week for their team members. Throughout the week Plasman team members were able to experience free massages, instructor led gym training sessions, pedometer competition, health bingo, while completing and handing out “appreciate a colleague” cards.

A BBQ with health inspiring guests was organized at the location for team members to enjoy along with some organized competitions and giveaways! Participating health inspiring guests included:

  • Friskis och Svettis Simrishamn – local gym
  • Energicentrum Simrishamn – local gym
  • GeBlod – blood center, to donate blood
  • ICA Brunnshallen – grocery store that we work with when ordering weekly fruit
  • Simrishamn kommun – (Simrishamn municipality) – talked about what they could help with regarding finances, in case of family problems
  • Sparbanken Skåne – banking, financial health
  • Äppellundens UF-företag – (Äppellunden’s UF company) young entrepreneurs (still in school) sold self-produced apple cider
  • Karin på KBT Österlen – (Karin, cognitive behavioral therapy) – talked about her work

Thank you team Simrishamn for your dedicated focus to health, wellness and work life balance.

Collage of Plasman Simrishamn Manufacturing employees attending Health Fair with vendors and activities


About Plasman

Plasman is a leading global manufacturer in bumpers-fascias, grilles, exterior trim, and subsystem components. As One Driving Force™, our diverse team of talented employees in 11 countries is driven by a commitment to outperform in all areas from engineering design to state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. Plasman’s headquarters are in Oldcastle, Ontario. Further information about Plasman is available at or follow us on LinkedIn.