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International Women’s Day

March 8 is recognized as International Women’s Day (IWD). IWD 2022 is a global day celebrating the social, economical, cultural, and political achievements of women around the world. Plasman is proud to celebrate the contributions of our women who inspire us all through their hard work, dedication, and innovation.

At Plasman, we understand the importance to cultivate a culture of inclusion and create a space where all team members feel that they belong.  IWD is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in history, as well as in our company.

We asked women working from different areas and regions of Plasman a few questions regarding IWD. See what they had to say below.


Picture of female employee from Plasman Windsor 3 Manufacturing sitting in a chair at a desk with a computer with quotes on International Women's Day

Picture of female operator from Plasman Queretaro Manufacturing in front of green molding machine with quote on International Women's Day

Picture of female from Plasman Europe Headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden sitting in a chair with quotes on International Women's Day

For more quotes visit our Instagram Stories page.